
Our time together

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Catch Up!

Okay so I am a horrible blogger! I know, I know. I just haven't felt the need to but ever since hubby started his deployment simulation and began working 12 hour shifts, I've sorta lost my mind. So this blog will be all over the place!

First off, we are settled in Oceanside and I am almost completely in love. We have a beautiful house; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. I am beyond excited because the kids get their own bedrooms and bathroom:) We have a huge backyard and a very large front yard, hubby did good picking the house. The only room left to do is the baby's and a few boxes in ours. I love the Marine Corps "1 dependent per room rule!" It's carpeted throughout and the kitchen/dining room have very pretty tile. We have a one car garage with a pretty big driveway that we share with the neighbors. I was never a big fan of duplexes, but our garages are connected instead of the house so i'm content. My bff Sam helped me hang up some pictures to make it feel like home.. again! It's coming along pretty great, pictures later:)

In baby news "it" is doing great! I am currently 19 weeks with a December 23rd due date (which is awesome because if the baby comes on that day, they will be exactly 2 1/2 years apart). I didn't get to see a doc till I was almost five months due to the wedding, move, and me staying home for a month. We had an ultrasound on the 22nd to check on everything, and it's great! No sex was determined because this stubborn little one had it's legs closed. I had some chest pain and breathing problems that Sunday afternoon so we went to the ER, thank goodness everything was okay, but they couldn't really give me a diagnosis. We had another ultrasound, this time the legs were open, but nada!! The Dr couldn't tell:( It's frustrating as heck but we have a detailed one on the 18th. The suspense is killing me! The pregnancy is going pretty smooth, it's entirely different from the first time around. I don't have symptoms often but when I do they are so intense! Wayyy less morning sickness; whoo! I am still not showing yet! I always heard you show quicker and get bigger with your second one but I haven't! All  my clothes are still huge on me so I don't think any maternity clothes will be purchased. I feel the baby moving constantly so i'm not worried about anything, I guess i'm just lucky:)

The wedding went beautifully! All mine and my sisters hard work paid off. It was a short but beautiful ceremony. My older sister(maid of honor) and hubby's cousin (best man) read our vows which made it so special. Hubby was drunk the whole night so he danced the night away with family and friends that he never gets to see, it made me really happy. My almost twin sister (we're only a year and a day apart) gave a beautiful speech that had almost everyone in tears! The pictures came out gorgeous as well. The garter was the best part because he did the worm in his blues. He turned his buckle sideways and rolled across the dirty floor, it was hilarious. Of course everyone was drunk so that made it even better. I would do it all over again!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post!! So glad you're back to blogging - I missed you! I love our new rental too...well the inside lol! I love that the kiddos get their own rooms. So awesome :)
