Today has been a pretty terrible day. Hubby had to go to work till freakin noon, our phones got turned off again! And to top it all of I was .4 degrees away from heading to the er on our last day together. I dropped him off to come home and nap but I woke up feeling terrible so I go to call him and it won't let me. No texting or calls, oddly our internet still worked though. I didn't have the strength to run to the car and get the credit card to pay it so I just lied there while baby girl cried and the dog and kid terrorized the house. My temperature was 101.6 and I felt like I was back in Colorado with the negative degree weather. I couldn't stop shaking or aching. Ugh just a bad day. I can't seem to catch a break but it'll get better soon, nothing lasts forever!
We both have yet to acknowledge that he's leaving so this will be the hardest day of our lives!! I'm ready though, I am strong. I'm texting an awesome friend right now to kinda ease the pain so its just a matter of time before we get the hang of this and then time will fly by. Just had to vent my bad day. Peace out.
That sucks so bad! Feel better!